Fleming Arboretum Receives Boeing Grant

Fleming Arboretum Receives Boeing Grant

Friends of D.T. Fleming Arboretum [FOFA] have received a $10,000 grant from The Boeing Company for educational programs to improve appreciation of the importance of watershed restoration and habitat enhancement. Funding will assist expansion in the number and range of educational programs at the D.T. Fleming Arboretum in Ulupalakua.

Furlough Fridays and overnight campouts for volunteer youth groups are a new addition to FOFA’s educational programs, made possible by the Boeing Grant. “During these difficult times, FOFA has the great opportunity to help schools and communities…to offer educational programs, healthy activity in nature, and volunteer opportunities actively participating in a most important mission for the health of Hawaii’s cultural and natural resources.”

The D.T. Fleming Arboretum was planted in 1952 by David Thomas Fleming for the preservation of Maui’s dry land forest species. It is Hawaii’s oldest and largest native arboretum and Maui’s largest living collection of native Hawaiian species.

“An Arboretum for Hawaii” was the vision of D.T. Fleming. Today, the Arboretum is a valuable asset to Hawaii as an educational and conservation resource, distributing native seed to public and private native planting projects. FOFA sponsors monthly Arboretum tours, educational workshops and volunteer workdays, providing a unique and enriching experience for Hawaii’s community and visitors.


Boeing Company donates $10,000 to Friends of Fleming Arboretum [FOFA] for environmental education programs in 2010. [Left to right] Front row: Nancy Ichikawa and Cathy Oleson of Boeing Company, Martha Vockrodt-Moran and Karen Levy of FOFA. Back row: David Bloyer, Claudia Canon, and Scott Ibara of Boeing Company.

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