
2015 Grants

Office of Ecconmoic Development (OED) FY 2015 $30,000-Pohana Ho’ola-Seeds of Hope- Projects & educational /volunteer programs
The L.H. Dorcy Hawaiian Foundation 2015 $25,000– Unrestricted grant. Hurricane Iselle clean up and repair.
James Hunt Fleming Memorial $4,500- Unrestricted grant. Rain Simulators in Arboretum

2014 Grants

Office of Economic Development ( OED) FY 2013 $25,000 – Pohana Ho’ola-Seeds of Hope educational /volunteer programs
Office of Economic Development ( OED) FY 2013 $5,000 – Marketing for sustainability
The L.H. Dorcy Hawaiian Foundation-$25,000
– Iselle Clean up and Operations
The James Hunt Fleming Memorial-$4,500 –  Operations, Projects & Programs

2013 Grants

Office of Ecconmoic Development ( OED) FY 2013 $25,000  -Pohana Ho’ola-Seeds of Hope educational /volunteer programs
Hawaii Tourism Authority Natural Resource Program -$9,485  –Pohana Ho’ola-Seeds of Hope educational /volunteer programs

2012 Grants

Pahana Ho‘ola –Seeds of Hope 2013 promotes stewardship of the environment through 12 regular monthly Arboretum tours the last Saturday of each month, 12 additional tours on request, 12 volunteer workshops and field training the first Saturday of each month, 6 special educational events throughout the year, 2 public booth presentations and providing up-to-date educational material through FOFA’s website and annual newsletter.

Maui County Community Partnership Grant $25,000-Pohana Ho’ola-Seeds of Hope educational /volunteer programs
Hawaii Tourism Authority Natural Resource Program $25,000-Pohana Ho’ola -Seeds of Hope educational /volunteer programs

2011 Grants

Cooke Foundation- $10,000– Workshop Expansion/Equipment Garage
Maui County CPG $25,000-Pohana Ho’ola educational program
Hawaii Tourism Authority $12,000-Pohana Ho’ola educational program
Samuel N and Mary Castle Foundation $15,000-Workshop and Parking Extenstion
Fred Baldwin Memorial Foundation $5,000– Workshop and Parking Extenstion

Click to enlarge

2010 Grants

Completed Grants 2010
USDA EQUIP Grant-A four year grant 2009 to 2012 with the USDA-NRCS will pay $101,710 for conservation projects. Completed to date: tree clearing for fencing, firebreak and fence maintenance road, hog fencing of the entire 17 acre Pu’u Mahoe cinder cone, green waste mulch for entire Arboretum, site prep for Arboretum expansion, nutrient management, pest management and upgraded easement roadAccepted Grants 2010

February 16, 2010
Atherton Family Foundation -$5,000 for Campground Development

Fleming Arboretum friends receive $5,000 grant

ULUPALAKUA – The Friends of D.T. Fleming Arboretum has received a $5,000 grant from Atherton Family Foundation for Campground Development. The money will define the parking area with a 75 foot Kiawe railing, provide water storage, and develop camping areas.

Camping for volunteers will inspire greater involvement by community and youth groups in the Arboretum and its conservation projects. Educational programs to improve appreciation of the importance of native watershed restoration will be enhanced, making possible a greater range of activities.

The D.T. Fleming Arboretum was planted in 1952 by David Thomas Fleming for the preservation of Maui’s dry land forest species. It is Hawaii’s oldest and largest native arboretum and Maui’s largest living collection of native Hawaiian species.

Conservation and educational projects at the Arboretum help preserve and perpetuate Hawaii’s cultural and natural resources. The non-profit sponsors free monthly Arboretum tours, educational workshops and volunteer workdays, providing “a unique and enriching experience for Hawaii’s community and visitors.”

November 9, 2009Boeing Company $10,000 for environmental education Click here to read News Release  -from the Maui News
November 5, 2009
Hawai’i Tourism Authority Natural Resource Grant- $12,000 for educational programs for the preservation of Hawaii’s natural resources.

2009 Grants

2009 Accepted Grants

July 21, 2009- Harold K.L. Castle Foundation

A $5,000 grant was awarded to Friends if the Fleming Arboretum for educational outreach to improve appreciation of the importance of watershed restoration and habitat enhancement.
Fleming Arboretum Receives Castle Grant

Friends of D.T. Fleming Arboretum [FOFA] has received a $5,000 grant from the Harold K.L. Castle Foundation for educational outreach programs to improve appreciation of the importance of watershed restoration and habitat enhancement. Funding will assist expansion in the number and range of educational programs at the D.T. Fleming Arboretum in Ulupalakua.

FOFA’s work parallels Harold Castle’s goals for enhanced youth education and care of our natural resources for Hawaii’s future; for watershed restoration and erosion control; for clean rivers and runoff into out oceans, for the strengthening and pride of community, actively participating in conservation.

The D.T. Fleming Arboretum was planted in 1952 by David Thomas Fleming for the preservation of Maui’s dry land species. It is Hawai’i’s oldest and largest native arboretum and Maui’s largest living collection of native Hawaiian species.

June 2009-EQUIP Grant
A four year grant 2009 to 2012 with the USDA-NRCS will pay $101,710 for conservation projects- tree clearing for fencing, firebreak and fence maintenance road, hog fencing of the entire 17 acre Pu’u Mahoe cinder cone, 795 feet of double windbreak trees, green waste mulch for entire Arboretum, site prep and planting of Arboretum expansion, nutrient management, pest management and easement road .

(click to enlarge)
Photo of Andrea Thompson
Andrea Thompson [Andy] is a Maui girl working as a student intern for the USDA-NRCS.
Andrea did the GPS mapping of Pu’u Mahoe for project measurements.

June 2009- the County of Maui

The County of Maui has awarded FOFA $9,380 for June 2009to June 20010 educational outreach programs -website updates, educational material, tour directors and professional workshop instructors.

2009 Completed Grants

July 2009- Shed/Lua/ Workshop

The construction of the Fleming Arboretum Shed / Lua / Workshop facility has been a 3 ½ year project. In 2006 grants were written to secure funding; 2007 project design & permitting, 2008 construction; June 2009 facility completion.

A $3,000 grant was received from Fred Baldwin Family Foundation for the design & permitting. Construction grants were received from Atherton Family Foundation [$10,000], Bank of Hawai’i [$5,000], Hawaiian Electric Charitable Foundation through Maui Electric Co. [$5,000], Cooke Foundation [$10,000], A&B Foundation [$2,500] and Fred Baldwin Family Foundation [$5,000].Friends of Fleming Arboretum have contributed remaining cash and volunteer labor.

The Shed / Lua / Workshop will allow the Arboretum to expand community educational programs with greater range and number of programs and increased participation. The workshop area will be a classroom for workday instruction, propagation workshops and community events as well as a shady area for Arboretum workers & volunteers for field work training and refreshment/lunch breaks. The modern bathroom and shelter makes possible overnight camping for volunteers with increased youth participation.


Construction of a bathroom, locking shed and workshop facility at the D.T. Fleming Arboretum in Ulupalakua is now completed with  County final inspection approval. This $45,000 project was made possible by grants from Fred Baldwin Memorial Foundation, Atherton Family Foundation, Cooke Foundation, Bank of Hawaii, Hawaiian Electric Charitable Foundation, and Alexander & Baldwin Foundation.

Completion of this two year project makes possible expansion of educational programs at the Fleming Arboretum and will increase efficiency of Arboretum operations. Martha Vockrodt-Moran, President of Friends of D.T. Fleming Arboretum, stated:” Especially exciting is the potential for overnight camping for youth groups to excite kids to visit Pu’u Mahoe and participate  in our conservation work. Our next step is to purchase furnishings including a black board, shelving and tables and develop parking, trails and campground areas.”

Friends of D,T, Fleming Arboretum [FOFA] was created in 2002 to help fund the preservation of the Fleming Arboretum at Pu’u Mahoe cinder cone in Ulupalakua. Planted by agriculture missionary David Thomas Fleming in 1952, the Arboretum is Hawaii’s oldest and largest native arboretum and Maui’s largest living collection of native flora.

FOFA sponsors a volunteer workday the second Saturday of each month and a free tour the last Saturday of each month.

2008 Grants Accepted Grants

  • Fred Baldwin Memorial Foundation has donated $5,000 for the completion of the Shed/lua/ workshop Facility.
  • The County of Maui has awarded FOFA $10,125 for June ’08 to June ’09 educational outreach programs as website updates, educational material, tour directors and professional workshop instructors.

Completed Grant

The Monsanto Fund has generously awarded a $10,000 grant to FOFA for Project Health. The award will enable FOFA to remove encroaching wattle trees and transform these once invasive trees into beneficial onsite mulch for the arboretum trees. The funding will also be used to clear a swath of invasive trees in order to install a waterline from a 5,000-gallon water tank to the new shed, restroom and classroom facility.
Click Here here to read final narrative report
Click Here to view Project Health in actionHawaii Community Foundation has awarded $15,000 for native plant preservation. This money will be used for Project Health in tree clearing and chipping as well as special projects in the Arboretum for native plant preservation. SPECIAL PROJECTS Rotary Club of Maui – District Grant awarded $1000 to FOFA to purchase Kiawe for 2 functional projects: a Kiawe railing for a steep area in arboretum and an entrance arch. Two 12-foot Kiawe posts will support a 12-foot horizontal Kiawe beam providing a tall archway and sign-holder for the arboretum’s entrance. Kaunoa Reunion Class of 1957 – Donated $867.86. This money will be used for labor to pay for installation of kiawe railing and entrance sign post.Click Here to see the completed Kiawe entryway & to see the completed Kiawe railing.

2007 Grants Completed Grants

Kaulunani, the Division of Forestry awarded a $7,877 grant for FOFA’s native tree out-planting and tree label project. FOFA planted 255 new plants this summer – 41 species with 13 new species into the arboretum. Drip irrigation and mulch was included with each planting. With full spellings rather than coded abbreviations, the 175 upgraded tree labels contain more thorough educational information and are easier to read! Also included in the grant, FOFA participated in Maui’s Summer Fun Program which offered professional instruction for 8 weeks in June and July on native tree planting and care. The total cost for the project was $17,500.

Kaulunani Awards FOFA $7,877.00 for Tree Out-Planting & Identification

Kaulunani, the Division of State Forestry, awarded Friends of the D.T. Fleming Arboretum (FOFA) a $7,877.00 grant for a native Hawaiian tree out planting project and irrigation and tree label upgrade at the D.T. Fleming Arboretum at Pu`u Mahoe. Kaulunani’s grant award will help FOFA purchase and plant increased numbers of existing and additional native dry land tree species into the D.T. Fleming Arboretum.Committed to the educating the public about the important role native Hawaiian trees play in the health of Hawai`i’s environment, FOFA will offer free instruction at the D.T. Fleming Arboretum on how to plant and care for native Hawaiian plants. Instruction will be offered by certified arborist Tai Kanoa Domen every Tuesday in June and July from 10:00 – 3:00 pm.Owner of Alihilani Arborcare, LLC, Tai Kanoa Domen abides by the planting standards of the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The D.T. Fleming Arboretum is Hawai`i’s oldest and largest native plant arboretum dedicated to the perpetuation of Maui’s native dry land forest species. Protected within the southern slope of the Pu’u Mahoe cinder cone on Haleakala, this unique biological preserve was founded in the 1950’s by Maui agricultural and horticultural pioneer, D.T. Fleming. Fleming’s dream was to plant an arboretum to help save Maui’s endangered native dry land tree plant species.

Throughout D.T. Fleming’s life on Maui, he witnessed the dry land forest of Auwahi going extinct due to cattle and drought. Protected from the northeast and southerly winds, Fleming chose Pu’u Mahoe’s cinder cone as a perfect place to preserve these species at the 2,600- foot elevation on the edge of the Auwahi Forest. Today, of the 245 trees and 92 species planted in the arboretum, 19 are endangered Hawaiian tree species, 4 are species of concern, and 3 are candidates.

The D.T. Fleming Arboretum includes the last seed-producing survivor of Maui’s endangered Alani tree, Melicope knudsenii. The D.T. Fleming Arboretum is a valuable seed bank. The arboretum’s Auwahi forest collection provides plants and seeds necessary to revitalize Auwahi and the surrounding slopes of south Maui. FOFA is involved in several ongoing projects to restore native dry land forest habitats on Maui and throughout Hawai`i.

One of FOFA’s most successful public / private partnerships is the reforestation project of the Auwahi area located on the southwest face of Haleakala. In 2002, The Friends of the D.T. Fleming Arboretum was formed to support the arboretum’s important work. FOFA’s mission is to preserve native Hawaiian plants through protection, propagation and distribution while providing education about native plants, their propagation and care through public workshops and tours. For more information or to join in on this exciting learning experience, call 572-1097.


Kaulunani Final Report

$7,877.00 Award for Tree Out-Planting & Identification1. Project Description – see below

2. Financial Information
A. Copies of invoices were included with first/second payment and third payment request.
B. Itinerary of project included with payment requests already mailed. Contributions exceeded original project partnerships.

3. Marketing and Public Relations
A. Press releases included with already-mailed payment requests. Additional press releases and mailings included with this final report.
B. Photos available at this time included.

4. For Tree Planting Projects
Tree planting species list included.


A. Identify the project deliverables
Two-hundred, fifty-five (225) native plants were planted into the Fleming Arboretum – 41 total species, 13 new to the Fleming Arboretum Plants were installed with drip irrigation. (Note: Fence line area at entrance left without drip at this time. If irrigation installed at this area, a new station will be needed. Hand-watering is fine for now.) Plants were top-dressed with slow-release fertilizer and composted mulch. Some trees needed staking. One-hundred, seventy-five (175) new updated tree labels were installed, replacing old labels. New labels have more thorough education information: proper akinas and macrons on the Hawaiian names, full spellings used on Federal status and class rather than abbreviations. Two months of planting instruction every Tuesday at the Arboretum was offered to the public.

B. Describe how your project met its purpose and objectives.
Greater populations of existing species were out-planted for stronger genetics and cross-pollination, helping to make the Arboretum a good seed source for preservation of Maui’s dryland species. New species were planted, helping the Arboretum complete its collection of Auwahi Forest species. New plantings were done in combinations of upper, middle and lower story plantings, assimilating a natural forest and displaying aesthetic groupings to inspire native landscaping. Planting, staking and tree care instruction was offered to the community, strengthening FOFA’s importance for the community … great “PR.” New tree labels are easier to understand with full spelling of educational information, rather than the previous labels’ abbreviations. The new labels were printed from a professional Arboretum inventory done in 2006. Trees have been professionally identified with proper scientific names; Hawaiian names now have akinas and macrons.

C. List the benefits the project made to the community.
The Arboretum is a stronger seed bank for propagation and distribution of its native species. The Arboretum is a more complete collection of Maui’s dryland forest for restoration of native habitat and educational purposes. New Wiliwili out-plantings allow FOFA to continue research on Erythrina Gall Wasp control. Experiments in natives for hedges and formal hedges will encourage use of natives in landscaping, including formal gardens. Displays of aesthetic plant combinations will inspire the use of native out-planting in landscapes, helping Hawaii to be Hawaii. Updated tree labels provide excellent educational information. Volunteer work days to complete the Kaulunani Grant brought the community together to participate in the preservation of Hawaii’s dryland native species.

D. Did you encounter any difficulties and how did you resolve them?
The project took more time and money than anticipated. FOFA continues to collect species to enhance the Arboretum as a strong seed bank for the preservation of Maui’s dryland species.
Mahalo Maui Garden Club: FOFA was honored to be the recipient of the Maui Garden Club’s annual donation for 2007. The Maui Garden Club graciously donated $2,000 to FOFA to help with the completion of the 2007 Tree Out-planting & Identification project.

Mahalo to Maui’s Native Plant Society, the Maui Association of Landscape Professionals and FOFA volunteers for your tireless energy and commitment in completing this important out-planting and signage project and helping the arboretum be a stronger conservation and education resource for the preservation of old Hawai’i.

A Maui County Office of Economic Development $6,385 grant award for Project Health is supporting the health of the arboretum. With County funding, 16-yards of rich composted mulch was purchased, delivered and distributed to 450 native trees and plants throughout the 7-acre arboretum.
Click here for news release.

Hawai`i Community Foundation provided travel funds for 2 Alihilani Arborcare employees to attend the annual International Society of Arborculture Convention on Oahu. Their participation is a positive influence on their work at the Fleming Arboretum.


    Accepted Grants
Hawaiian Electric Industries Charitable Foundation, on behalf of Maui Electric Company, awarded a $5,000 grant to FOFA to help build the storage facility and restroom at the arboretum. The building will protect the arboretum’s equipment while enabling FOFA to expand its community outreach and education efforts. HEI joins the Atherton Family Foundation, the Fred Baldwin Memorial Foundation, the Cooke Foundation, Bank of Hawai`i, and the A&B Foundation as contributors to the permitting and construction costs of the facility.

HTA “Product Enrichment Program” – Thanks to a timely $11,000.00 grant award, FOFA can move forward with our education efforts. The goal of P?HANA HO`?LA – SEEDS OF HOPE is to increase our education outreach efforts through the hiring of a monthly tour guide, a volunteer workday host and providing up-to-date educational material through FOFA’s Web site and newsletter.
    Proposed Grants & Goals
We’re almost there! FOFA has been awarded grand funding totaling $32,200.00 to build a storage shed, lua and classroom facility at the arboretum. The facility will cost $43,300.00. FOFA still needs $11,100.00 to complete this much-needed project.PROJECT HEALTH
The goal of Project Health is to professionally prune and top-dress the arboretum’s trees with rich composted mulch, remove the encroaching invasive black wattle trees and transforming them into an onsite source of mulch for future use! Selected arboretum trees will pruned by a certified arborist. Project Health’s estimated cost is $22,770.00. To date, FOFA has received $16,385.00 for Project Health.POHANA HO`LA – SEEDS OF HOPE
FOFA seeks to educate and engage citizens about the important role native trees play to Maui’s overall health, economic success and social well being of our communities. FOFA will use funds to hire a monthly tour guide, a volunteer workday instructor, web master to keep web site updated and publishing of FOFA’s annual newsletter. To date, P?HANA HO`?LA – SEEDS OF HOPE has received financial support totaling $9,000.00

2006 Grants

Preliminary drawing for the proposed shed / restroom facility at the Fleming Arboretum.

2006 Completed Grants

– “Project Site Mulch”: $4,500 matching grant from Maui County Office of Economic Development.
FOFA seeks the remaining funds for this $9,000 project. Project Site Mulch will transform invasive wattle trees at Pu`u Mahoe into wood-chip mulch, clearing area for native habitat restoration.
– Shed /Restroom Design and Permitting: $3,500 from Fred Baldwin Memorial Foundation.
– Shed /Restroom Construction: $10,000 from Atherton Family Foundation; $10,000 Cooke Foundation; $5,000 from Bank of Hawaii; $2,500 from A&B Foundation. FOFA seeks the remaining funding for this $30,000 project.

– Professional Instructors for Propagation Workshops 2006: from Kaulunani Dept. of Forestry
Click here for Workshop photos
– Upgraded Irrigation System: from Atherton Family Foundation.
– Arboretum Inventory & Computer Database with Arboretum Map by Robert Hobdy:
from Fred Baldwin Memorial Foundation
– “Project Mulch” – Mulch purchase and distribution: from Atherton Family, Cooke, and A&B Foundations

FINAL REPORT: Habitat Maintenance Upgrade and Expansion Project

AWARD DATE: March 1, 2006
GRANT NAME: 2006 Propagation Workshop I and II
GRANT ID NUMBER: Number: FOFA 2006-1

1 Project Overall

A Project Objectives

Annual propagation workshops include the community in preservation of Maui’s native dryland species. Airlayer and grafting skills are learned to encourage propagation and distribution of these species. The endangered Hibiscus hannerae and most fragrant Hibiscus waimeae are propagated to be outplanted within the community. Propagation workshops fulfill FOFA’s mission of preservation thru protection, propagation and distribution.

B Difficulties and how they were resolved?

Propagation Workshop II needed to be postponed one month. Substantial airlayer roots did not form within the expected two months. June’s class was postponed to July 15th.

C What organizations were included?

FOFA’s Propagation Workshops included students from 2006 Maui Master Gardeners, Nature Conservancy, Maui Nui Gardens and Haleakala National Park. The workshops were funded by a partnership with Kaulunani and Friends of the Fleming Arboretum.

D Project Completion.

FOFA’s annual propagation workshops were held April 15 th and July 15th. Each student took home two planted airlayers and two grafted hibiscus that they created.

2 Kaulunani Grant Expense Invoices enclosed.

3 Funds Used to Match Grant See Itemized Budget Detail and Volunteer Sign up Sheet.

4 Plant Materials Used Airlayers were done on Hibiscus waimeae subsp. hannerae and Hibiscus waimeae subsp. waimeae.

Grafting was done on Hibiscus kokio root stock using scions of Hibiscus waimeae subsp. hannerae.

5 Publications / Promotions.

See FOFA’s website at to see documentation of 2006 Propagation Workshops. Text shares important steps of class instruction on airlayering. In November 2006, the annual FOFA newsletter will be mailed to 1400 recipients. The newsletter will include a page on FOFA’s 2006 Propagation Workshops. We will note the generosity of a Kaulunani Grant to help fund this unique and beneficial community activity.

2005 Completed Grants

Helene and John Jackson of Haiku work on “Project Mulch” – funded by grants from A&B Foundation, Atherton Family Foundation and Cooke Foundation. This project, important for Arboretum health, continues into 2006.

$3,000 Total – $2000 Grant for “Project Mulch” & $1000 for Irrigation Automation
Friends of the Fleming Arboretum [FOFA] has received $2000  funding for “Project Mulch” from Atherton Family Foundation to revitalize the soils and upgrade the health of its native species habitat area. Atherton Family Foundation has funded an additional $1000 for new irrigation timers with updated technology capable of running longer durations, allowing watering at night without overlapping stations. The Arboretum faucets and property restroom will have full water pressure during the day, a problem  in the past. See Final Report (click here)

COOKE FOUNDATION – October 2005-2006
A $2500 Grant helps fund “Project Mulch”
This $9,000 project will transform invasive wattle trees on site into woodchip mulch, providing essential microorganisms and nutrients to over 400 native species, conserving water, creating firebreaks, preventing erosion and weeds and expanding native habitat area.

A&B FOUNDATION – June 2005-2006
A $1,000 Grant for “Project Mulch”
Respected horticulturist expert Ernest Rezents and other plant specialists have advised [FOFA] to make Project Mulch the Arboretum’s top priority in 2005, revitalizing soils at this 50-year-old facility. Project Mulch will transform invasive wattle trees on site into woodchip mulch, providing essential microorganisms and nutrients to over 400 native species, conserving water, creating firebreaks, preventing erosion and weeds and expanding native habitat area. FOFA continues to seek funding to reach its $9,000 total budget needed for Project Mulch.

A $3000 grant proposal accepted for Native Plant Inventory & Database Upgrade

The Fred Baldwin Memorial Foundation has approved $3,000 to fund the D.T.Fleming Arboretum’s “Native Plant Inventory & Database Upgrade.” Bob Hobdy native plant botanist and retired chief of the Maui County’s State Divison of Forestry, will be creating an updated professional inventory and map of all plant species, including exact identity, locations,and population density, upgrading existing maps of the Arboretum. This inventory will be the foundation for a comprehensive electronic database to maintain the updated plant inventory as well as record maintenance and propagation research of each species. The database will be available for public information posted on this website.
See Final Report (click here)
See Arb Inventory (click here)
Bob Hobdy, retired head of DLNR for Maui County, and his wife Doreen pose with completed map of the 7-acre Fleming Arboretum, funded by Fred Baldwin Memorial Foundation.

2004 Completed Grants

Drip irrigation was installed to the 124 new seedlings of Project Plant 2004, and existing irrigation was upgraded on mature trees (funded by Cooke Foundation). New 1-inch sclair line was installed to service Arboretum expansion by Gregg Patterson (funded by Cooke Foundation).

A $3500 Grant funds Irrigation System Upgrade for Native Plant Habitat Expansion eliminating the labor intensive weekly hand-watering.This project provides reliable water supply to 159 recently transplanted native specimens. It funds 1600 feet of new irrigation lines, including all needed fittings and supplies, to serve plantings over several acres. See Final Report (click here)

Travel funds for roundtrip airfare to the 2005 Hawaii Conservation Conference on Oahu
The event dates are July 28 & 29,2005 The theme this year” Hawaii’s Restoration Efforts” directly parrallels our Arboretum work. It will be beneficial interacting as a resource manager with the scientific community and obtaining up-to-date information on conservation techniques and experiences in Hawaii. Information learned will help direct FOFA’s future restoration activities.

Hawaii Community Foundation Foundation


The recent Hawaii Conservation Conference (July 28-29) in honolulu had many useful and thought provoking presentations. it was very beneficial to be able to attend and bring ideas and information back where it could perhaps help guide future habitat restoration efforts at the Fleming Arboretum.

The conference theme for 2005 focused on restoration efforts in Hawaii but there were informative presentations from other places and nations as well. Some of the highlight presentations:

* a symposium on Paleoecology work being done in Hawaii.  This fascinating study of past evidence of biological habitats and species is especially relevant to the South easterm slopes of Haleakala where the Fleming Arboretum is located.  Researchers spoke of the abundance of bird life that once inhabited the area and also of efforts to attempt to reintroduce some native bird species into restored habitats in this region. The arboretum could prove a beneficial location for such future efforts because it is large enough (17 acres) to provide needed habitat, but small enough to manage rare avian populations.

* Several presentations were offered on lessons learned from restoration efforts underway in various lowland or midrange forests. These featured forests on the Big island and Kaua’i, but they were dealing with suppression many of the same invasive species we face at Pu’u mahoe. The research projects offered insights and the most effective ways to remove alien grasses, how to stabilize populations of rare plant species through both on site and off site propagation and  strategies to gradually convert an alien dominant habitat to a native plant dominant habitat.

* One of the poster presentations on display showed a new fencing being used in New Zealand which was able to keep, rats, mongooses and rabbits out of preserve areas. Another showed insects being tested for possible importation as miconia control vectors. There were also several excellent poster displays on native birds and efforts to protect more suitable habitat areas.

* An update on the progress of restoration work going on in the island of Kaho’olawe was also very useful, since some of the species of native dry land forest plants grown at the Fleming Arboretum are also being used for restoration efforts on Kaho’olawe and there are traditional links between Puu Mahoe (where the Arboretum is located) and the island of Kaho’olawe. It was also heartening to view or hear several excellent student presentations at the conference and see many young adults in attendance.  It appears that the future of our biological resources will be in good hands.

I was also grateful to be able to meet so many researchers and conservation managers some of whom are likely to prove to be very beneficial contacts in future projects I undertake for Fleming Arboretum at Puu Mahoe. Mahalo nui for the opportunity to attend this useful conference.

Lucienne de Naie
SR 1 Box 47, Haiku, HI 96708
sponsored by Friends of Fleming Arboretum

Out with the old … …In with the new. This custom gate was designed and installed by John Daniels of Ulupalakua.

This grant to the land owner benefits the Arboretum by funding new fencing and removal of invasive species.The USDA pays 75% – the remaining 25% by in-kinbd volunteer work and equipment donations.The entire Arboretum is now re-fenced, including an additional acre for Arboretum expansion.

2004 Grants

The A&B Foundation has donated $1000 to “progressive maintenance” – Arboretum care beyond basic maintenance.
Friends of DT Fleming Arboretum was created to give the Arboretum more than just basic maintenance for preservation of the Arboretum and its species. With the extra support these last 2 years, the health of the Arboretum has improved. Seeds are more viable with a greater percentage of germination. Fruits, once hollow, now have seeds.
The Arboretum will continue to improve with this extra funding from the A&B Foundation: Fungicides, insecticides, foliar and ground fertilizers, pruning, proper irrigation and erosion mitigation.
All these projects, beyond basic maintenance, create healthy trees and renewed hope for their preservation.

A $5000 grant for habitat Maintenance Upgrade and Expansion Project was awarded
This generous grant will support Phase II of Project Plant, as well as progressive maintenance of the entire Arboretum. When the Project Plant expansion project is completed, 21 new species will have been added. The Arboretum will have a more complete collection of the Auwahi Forest species. Larger populations of the existing species will increase genetic diversity and cross-pollination for their propagation and preservation. Click here to read Final Report.

A $2000 grant proposal for Project Plant was accepted
The acceptance of Project Plant will fund the profesional planting of 10 new species into the arboretum, making it a more complete collection of the Auwahi Forest. More existing species will also be planted. The larger population encourages both cross-pollination and stronger genetics for more successful propagation. A total of 90 plants, 21 species, will be planted.

Especially exciting is the planting of 2 Alani seedlings (Melicope knudsenii). This is the first successful propagation and outplanting of this seedling from the last viable tree in existence. The strong, one-foot-tall Alani are now planted in the Arboretum thanks to Proejct Plant and plant professional Arlene Taus. These new plantings are the hope for preservation of this species. See Final Report (click here)

Provided travel funds to the Conservation Conference June 29-30 2004 on Oahu
The theme of the conference was Invasive Species.
It was appropriate that the Fleming Arboretum be represented. Preservation of Hawaii’s native species begins with protection from invasive species…grazing animals, aggressive weeds, insects and soil diseases. Arlene Taus was chosen to represent the Arboretum.

KAULUNANI 2003-2004
A $2310 grant from KAULUNANI, an urban forestry program of the DLNR and USDA, funded tree identification with engraved labels on galvanized steel stakes.

Maui Garden Club volunteers placed stakes throughout the Arboretum (L-R) Kathy Collins, Marjorie Bonar, Dwayne Bower. Kihei Waikea Citizen Beach Patrol volunteers (L-R) Don Schneider, Nobuo Suda and Jack Crow with post pounders to pound in new tree label stakes.
Out with the old…
…in with the new


Scientific name

Date Planted

O Origin

Status: Distribution

Label Design

Volunteers Dan Judson and Debbie DeMello worked together crimping on new labels, financed by this grant.

2003 Grants

A&B Foundation funded $500 operating expenses that provided species identification
that will help create an updated plant inventory.

Ted Issacson photo
The D.T. Fleming Arboretum is planted within the southern slopes of the Pu’u Mahoe cinder cone, protected from the northeast and southerly winds.

A $3500 grant provided funding for Arboretum Health Care
Arlene Taus, a certified arborist, provided pruning services under the grant. Cathy Hobson, Maui Garden Club volunteer, hauls tree prunings to chipper site. The Fred Baldwin Memorial Foundation Grant funded tree pruning, along with attention to irrigation and buried roots from erosion.
See Final Report (click here)

Arlene Taus, a certified arborist, provided pruning services under the grant. Cathy Hobson, Maui Garden Club volunteer, hauls tree prunings to chipper site.
The Fred Baldwin Memorial Foundation Grant funded tree pruning, along with attention to irrigation and buried roots from erosion.